
Book It! A Zine and Book Arts Exhibit

I had the pleasure of having some of my zines included in the recent book arts exhibit at the Kondos Gallery at Sacramento City College. Curated by Eric Wood and Emily Wilson, the show ran from March 20-April 20, 2023. Below are a couple images of the show.

corporate survival

After reading Animal’s People by Indra Sinha and The Book of the Dead by Muriel Rukeyser in short succession, I started wondering just how many people companies like Union Carbide had killed with little to no consequence. This zine is a way of visualizing that continuously deferred web of corporate responsibility. Send me a message if you’d like me to mail you one!

The Cats of 45th Street

For fans of cat colonies, bestiaries, and neighborhood maps, I’ve just released a new hyperlocal mini zine, which catalogs the feral cat community in my neighborhood. If you want a copy, send me a message through my contact form.

Inside detail